Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Of Gods and Men part 2

Azeroth – God of Law and Human Purity
Greater Deity
Symbol:A Generic Human
Home Plane:
Alignment: Lawful
Worshippers: Humans, Asimar
Cleric Alignments: LG, LE, LN
Domains: Good, Evil, War, Law, Strength, Destruction
Favoured Weapons: Halberd

Azeroth is the law bringer and slayer of Pelor. He is the patron of the Empire of Azeroth which he founded in his Mortal days. Azeroth created a pure human society, no off shoots. No Half elves, no shifters, no teiflings. The only exception to this rule has been the asimar who after his ascension are believed to be blessed by Azeroth. Azeroth from his youth believed those who were not pure human to be a weakness. He also sees other races as lesser beings to humans.
His pet hate is Demons and even though he permits other races and half casts to live (albeit a second class citizens i nhis eyes) demons and those with demon blood in there veins are abominations and must be purged from the world.
He Slew Pelor for believing him to be too soft upon law breakers and took his power for his own.

Binar – God of Warforged, Knowledge, innovation
Greater Deity
Symbol:warforged face
Home Plane:Forgeria
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Worshippers: Warforged, Inventors, Scholars
Cleric Alignments: LN
Domains: Law, Knowledge, Magic
Favoured Weapons: Warhammer

Binar is the 1st construct to ever achieve god hood. He destroyed the creation forges which the old nations were using to create warforged slaves. He then led a rebellion what lasted 100 years until he ascended. He constructed a plane which was one enormous creation forge from which new warforged are created and are sent to the mortal plane every 20 years. Only 20 warforged are sent to the realm every 20 years however there is a legend of a island made of metal where hundreds if not thousands of warforged lives.

Drachenstien – God of good dragons
Greater Deity
Symbol:Silver Dragons Claw
Home Plane:
Alignment: Good
Worshippers: Orcs, warriors
Cleric Alignments:LG, CG, NG
Domains: Good, War, Law, chaos, Strength, protection, Healing
Favoured Weapons: Maul

Drachenstien is a dragonborn, his original name has been lost in time. He ascended to god hood after defeating Tiamat and was ready to take his side at his masters side when he found he had disappeared. No body could be found with the other bodies of the recently deceased gods in the astral plane. He now has his servants seek out clues to Bahamuts whereabouts. so far he has had no success. His rivals are the Granddaughters of tiamat the 5 half dragon sisters who have taken timamts power in her stead.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Of gods and men

Hey folks well I gotta say im failing at blogging huh. My audio blogs are mia till i can find a new host and yeah. But non the less I have come to inform you good mortals that I am still alive and working on stuff.

So a few months back we started a new D&D non IK game entitled a land of high adventure(soon to be named the new age).
This was a all day trial run of using sanity in old 3.5 d20 and to test out what I had so far for concepts Orcs with honour stumped my players.
But yeah Currently i am building upon the campaign. The plan is to change round alot of things. 1st of Which is the Patheons.

I Have Decided some time ago there was a god war. The Mysterious over pantheon helped Mortals upon the physical plane gain god hood and slowly they grew in power until they came into conflict with the old gods. The old Gods are now dead, in hiding, exiled to the mortal plane or imprisoned.

SO now the new Gods rule over the mortal plane and the inhabitants have adapted to this regime change. infact under the new gods alot of advancement has begun. New technologies, ideas, etc.

But For now lets look at the new players.

Baadish - New Orc God
Greater Deity
Home Plane:
Alignment: Lawful Good
Worshippers: Orcs, warriors
Cleric Alignments: LG
Domains: Good, War, Law, Strength
Favoured Weapons: Great sword

 Baadish was a Orc revolutionary who carved out a Orc kingdom and helped Drachenstien and Felis Slay Tiamat. Fought and defeated Gruumsh and imprisoned him deep within the earth.
He is opposed to Azeroth. When they were still Mortals Azeroth and Baadish were oppossed to each other as Azeroth viewed non humans as lower forms of life and had no problems exterminating there kind. The 2 gods still are set against each otheras Azeroths ideals are carried on by his worshippers.

FELIS - God of the Hunt and Catfolk

Intermediate Deity 
Symbol:Cats Paw
Home Plane: Savana
Alignment: Neutral
Worshippers: Catfolk, Rangers, Hunters

Cleric Alignments: NG NN NE
Domains: Animal, Plant, Luck, Travel, Strength
Favoured Weapons:Javelin

Felis the god of Catfolk and hunting. He was a ranger in his former life and enjoyed tracking down big game and bringing fame to his tribe for having the most skilled hunters. Was one of the 3 heroes (who also later became deities) to defeat Tiamat. Lives on the Plane Savana where there are many great areas to hunt game.